1st American is proud to offer the following concierge services:
- Set temperature in home when requested to do so. Check each Temperature Monitoring Device for proper maintenance during extreme weather conditions.
- Check all homes seasonally for no heat.
- Check for plumbing problems, leaks in roof, etc.
- Assist in contacting plumber, heating and cooling contactors and arrange access to home. Secure home after work is completed.
- Assist owners in obtaining keys (when available) to mailboxes. After sale or in some cases when people lose their keys, we contact the locksmith to change locks. We assist the locksmith in physically changing the locks.
- Assist owners in locating contractors and arrange access to perform a variety of services such as plumbing, heat and air conditioning, carpet replacement or cleaning, carpentry, chimney sweeps, etc.
- Assist in accepting deliveries to all homeowners.
- Assist homeowner in responding to home security alarm calls.
All concierge services are charged on a fee for service basis at our current hourly rate.
Minimum one hour service call.